Folding in LunarVim
Working with TailwindCSS in heex
templates is super nice, only the enormous amount of css-classes makes for long lines and huge files.
I was having an issue with some div
not aligning as I would like, but since they contain so much content I could not see what was happening.
I know there is some way to hide lines, what is it called again, ah yes, folding.
Since my code is automatically formatted thanks to the nice heex formatted plugin. I can be sure it is correctly indented.
:set foldmethod=indent
Oops, this folds the whole file, leaving me with only the opening and closing tags. I can use zo
to open up a single level of folding and zR
to unfold all.
Not quite there, when I now open up a file, it folds everything all the time. This is not what I want, I want to be able to fold only when I feel like it.
:set foldlevel=99
Now only folds 99 levels in will get folded, but I can still fold manually.
😃To make the change permanent, add the following to my lunarvim configuration:
-- Folding
vim.api.nvim_set_option("foldmethod", "indent")
vim.api.nvim_set_option("foldlevel", 99)
Unsure on how to use the folds, just press z
and LunarVim will show you all possibilities.